When opening the first time, the start page with the single search field and the function are displayed which are needed for your search operation. However, you can also customize d.3 smart explorer to what you need. With the single search field you can search for document content and properties using a keyword. You also got the opportunity to refine your search for a date or document type.
For details about the single search field see the chapter Single search field (overview).
The central menu to customize the functions and layout to the needs of your day-to-day work is located on the title bar.
On the left side, there is the navigation panel which you can show or hide. In the center there is the single search field, above on the toolbar there are various icons to search, go back and forward, refresh and create dossiers and documents, to show and hide details about the documents and dossiers as well as the tabs representing each performed search
operation (manually or using a search template). The tabs containing the results of performed search operations serve to repeat the recently performed search and then make it easier for you to navigate between different result lists.
The status bar at the bottom of the application window displays the user name who is currently logged in and the name of d.3 repository.
The icons on the title bar contain the following functions:
- Central menu with the functions View, Settings, Help and New login and, if applicable, Tools:
- Icon to minimize the application:
- Icon to switch between the full-screen mode and window mode:
- Icon to close the application:
The central menu contains the following entries:
The View menu option contains the following menu entries:
For details about the each menu entry see the article on Menu option "View".
The Settings menu option contains the following menu entries:
For details about the each menu entry see the article on Menu option "Settings".
The Tools menu option is only displayed in the central menu if there were additional extensions for d.3 smart explorer (specific DXP packages or plug-ins) installed. If you have any questions regarding the additional functions, please contact your d.3 administrator.
For details see Menu option "Tools".
The Help menu option contains the following menu entries:
For details about the each menu entry see the article on Menu option "Help".
The New login menu option opens an additional d.3 smart explorer instance (new window) using different credentials.
For details about a new login see the chapter Menu option "New login".
The icons on the toolbar contain the following functions:
- Magnifying glass icon to open the advanced search (detailed search):
- Arrow icon to navigate forward and back in the result list:
- Icon to refresh the result list (matches):
- Plus character to add a document or create a dossier without linking it:
The inactive icon with the bars of different size represent the detail view with the document properties of a document:
For details about the detail view see the chapter Menu entry "Document properties" and Menu entry "Document preview".
By clicking on the magnifying glass icon advanced search (detailed search) is instantly opened in a separate section. Wherever you are in d.3 smart explorer, either in Mailbox or in the favorites, just click on the magnifying glass icon to open a new tab so that you can perform a new search.
If the single search field is disabled either by you or the d.3 administrator, d.3 smart explorer displays the advanced search when opening it.
By default, the advanced search is hidden when you start a search operation. With the Always show advanced search option the advanced search section is always shown. The result list view is moved accordingly so that you always oversee your search results. You can close the advanced search using the cross on the right top position in this section. By clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the toolbar you can also close the advanced search.
For a more detailed description of the search function see the chapter Performing a search.
The status bar at the lower margin of the window displays, for example, the duration of the last search request, the name of the user logged in, the number of displayed objects and the number of selected or marked objects.
By default, the status bar only lists the number of results found for which you are granted the according permissions. In case there are more results found in a d.3 repository, the number of denied results are not displayed. If you want to display the number of denied results, contact your d.3 administrator. You can show and hide the navigation panel by clicking on the arrows to close or open in the navigation panel.
For details about the navigation panel see the chapter Navigation panel.
After performing a search the results are displayed in the result list. For each result there are context actions that ease your business routines. You can access default functions quickly and directly using context actions. If there are some context actions displayed for a document or dossier and d.3 smart explorer is not running in full-screen mode, you can click on the icon with the three dots to access more context actions.
The Document preview and Document properties tab in the detail view contain more information to a document or dossier. You can change the appearance of the tabs by using the bar icon on the toolbar.
There are the following options available:
Show detail view: By default, the Document preview and Document properties tabs are shown in a separate section.
Detail view in full-screen mode: Use this function to display the details in full-screen mode instead of the result list.
Hide detail view: Neither the document preview nor the document properties are displayed.
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